Delivery Time
Q2: How long does it take to receive my package?
A2: The estimated delivery time for orders within the USA is 12-20 days (please note that delivery times may be longer during peak seasons).
International Shipping
Q3: Do you offer international shipping?
A3: No, at this time, we only provide our services within the United States.
Accepted Payment Methods
Q4: What payment methods do you accept?
A4: We accept PayPal. When using PayPal for your purchase, you will be directed to the PayPal payment page, where you can confirm your payment by entering your PayPal account and password.
Online Safety
Q5: Is it safe to shop online with you?
A5: Yes, your online safety is important to us. We do not rent, sell, or share your personal information with anyone. Please review our Privacy Policy for more details on how your personal information is collected and used.
Order Changes
Q6: Can I make changes to my order?
A6: Unfortunately, once an order is placed, we are unable to make changes to items, sizes, designs, addresses, and other order details. Please review your order carefully before confirming.
Order Cancellation
Q7: Can I cancel my order?
A7: Yes, you can cancel your order, but please note that you can only do so on the same day if it’s within 6 hours of placing the order. If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us at [email protected]. Please be aware that a management, processing, and transaction fee (10% of your total order value) may apply to the cancellation process.
Returns and Refunds
Q8: Can I return or get a refund for my order?
A8: Yes, items can be returned or exchanged within 30 days of delivery, and there are no additional fees, except for the shipping cost when you return the package.
Return Policy Time Frame
Q9: How long do I have to initiate a return?
A9: Our return policy is valid for 30 days after the delivery process is completed. After this period, the order will be considered accepted by the customer, and no reimbursement will be issued. Please refer to our Returns & Refunds Policy for more information.
Non-Receipt of Order
Q10: I haven’t received my package from my order. What should I do?
A10: If the shipping tracking code status indicates that the delivery is complete, but you haven’t received your order, please start by checking around your house, as it may be in an unexpected location. If you still can’t locate your package, contact the shipping company mentioned in the shipping status email notification. If the issue remains unresolved, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].
Customer Support Team
Business Name: Gogistar
Phone Number: +1 404-723-6852
Support Mail: [email protected]
Business Days: Mon-Fri: 9 AM to 6 PM EST
Business Address: 3419 In Bloom Way, Dacula, GA 30019, United States